XENOTRANS. & TISSUE ENG.: Quest For Replacement Human Body Parts

From: Brett Paatsch (paatschb@ocean.com.au)
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 02:03:27 MST

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Cosmology Question"

    RE: the extropic aspirations to life extension and life

    The following excerpt is from a 2001 physiology text
    - "Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems" 4th Edn
     - Lauralee Sherwood.

    I thought this might serve as bit of a primer for some extropes
    *interested in* the Xenotrans and tissue engineering stuff but
    perhaps not yet specifically up to speed. I *like* useful
    primers myself and any crappy emailed ones (which some
    may see this as) can be easily ignored or dealt with by the
    delete button.

    There would be a few aspects in which the following is out of
    date (eg. in stem cells the term pluripotent rather than totipotent
    is more often used now). I'd be interested in what out-of-date
    observations any others might see as well.


    A Quest for Replacement Parts.
    Kidney failure, extensive burns, surgical removal of a cancerous
    breast, an arm mangled in an accident - though our bodies are 
    remarkable and serve us well, sometimes a body part is defective,
    injured beyond repair, or lost in situations such as these. In
    addition to the loss of the quality of life for the affected individuals,
    billions of dollars are spent to treat patients with lost, permanently
    damaged, or failing organs, accounting for about half of the total
    health-care costs in the United States. Ideally, when the body 
    suffers an irreparable loss, new, permanent replacement parts
    could be substituted to restore normal function and appearance.
    Fortunately, this possibility is moving rapidly from the realm of 
    science fiction to reality of scientific progress. 
    One solution for replacing damaged or lost parts is implantation
    of synthetic devices, such as artificial joints or artificial heart 
    valves. More advanced synthetic devices even interface with the
    brain. An example is a surgically implanted electronic device that
    enables a deaf person to "hear" by converting sound waves into
    electrical signals in the nerve pathways that carry information to
    the brain for sound perception. Even though remarkable advances 
    have been made in this field, no synthetic device manufactured 
    thus far can perform the functions of a body part as effectively as
    the normal, healthy original part...
    Another solution to organ failure is transplantation of organs such
    as kidneys, hearts, and livers from donors (recently deceased in
    the case of most donated organs) to patients whose survival 
    depends on a healthy replacement. Over the last two decades 
    organ transplantation has become almost commonplace. The 
    major obstacle limiting the number of transplantations is not a
    lack of technical capability but a shortage of donor organs. 
    Waiting lists for replacement organs outstrip the number of 
    organs available as much as tenfold. 
    Because of the limitations of implanting synthetic devices and
    transplanting donor organs, some researchers are exploring 
    two alternative methods for replacing body parts that are no 
    longer serviceable: xenotransplantation and tissue engineering.
    Interest in XENOTRANSPLANTATION, (transplanting 
    organs from one species to another), is growing not only
    because of the shortage of human donors but because our
    technical capabilities have improved to the point that this 
    technique is now becoming feasible. One of the major hurdles
    to xenotransplantation has been the swift rejection of the 
    animal organ by the human recipient's body. The patient's
    immune system, recognizing the donated animal organ as 
    'foreign,' immediately launches a destructive attack on the
    transplanted organ.
    Pioneering efforts on several fronts are breaking down this
    barrier to xenotransplantation. First, researchers now have a
    more thorough understanding of the underlying immune 
    mechanisms that cause rejection of transplanted tissue. This
    knowledge has led to better immunosuppressive drugs (drugs
    that suppress the immune system's attack on the transplanted
    organ). Even recipients of human donor organs must be 
    treated with immunosuppressive drugs because of the
    differences in 'self-identity markers' found on the surfaces of
    the donor's and the recipient's cells. Because the differences
    in these cells surface markers are much greater between 
    humans and animals, more powerful drugs must be used to 
    prevent the rejection of xenotransplants.
    An unfortunate side effect of immunosuppressive drugs is the
    reduced ability of the patient's immune system to defend 
    against potential disease-causing microorganisms, or 
    pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. To avoid depleting
    the transplant recipient's defence capabilities, a second 
    advance toward xenotranplantation has been the development
    of transgenic animals through genetic engineering. A transgenic
    animal possesses not only its own genes but also some
    specific genes of another species that have been artificially 
    introduced. Scientists have bred transgenic pigs that carry 
    human genes for use as organ donors for xenotransplantation.
    Pigs were chosen because they are easy to breed and raise
    and because their organs are comparable in size as well as 
    anatomically and physiologically similar to human organs. The
    goal is to trick the human xenotransplant recipient's immune 
    system into viewing the pig organ as human, thus reducing the
    extent of the immunological attack and minimizing the need
    for immunosuppressive drugs. 
    Even as the technical barriers to xenotransplantion are 
    crumbling, however, several obstacles to continued progress
    in this area are emerging. Scientists are vigorously debating
    the likelihood that xenotransplantation will introduce new 
    infectious agents from an animal source into the human 
    population. Opponents of xenotransplantation fear that an 
    undetected pathogen lurking in a donor animal could cause
    infection in a human recipient and spread from there into the
    general population. The risk of cross-species infections is 
    magnified by the fact that the immunosuppressive drugs used
    to minimize rejection of the xenotransplant reduce the ability
    of the recipient to fend off any potential pathogens that might
    be present in the donated organ. To reduce the potential for
    spread of disease from pigs to human recipients, donor
    animals are now raised under conditions to maintain them
    free of specific diseases to which humans are known to be
    susceptible. Yet, there is still concern that pigs may harbor 
    viral stowaways that are harmless to the animals but could
    cause as-yet-unknown diseases when abnormally introduced
    into a xenotranplanted patient. One new encouraging study 
    demonstrated, however, that patients who had received
    living pig tissue, as in skin grafts, over the past 12 years
    showed no evidence of infection by one such recently 
    idnetified viral stowaway.
    Even thought individuals might be willing to take this risk for
    the benefit of a life-saving transplant, an important ethical 
    dliemma is whether society as a whole should be placed at
    risk of the potential spread of a xenotranplant-derived 
    disease throughout the population. Another ethical concern
    raised by some is the exploitation of animals as sources of 
    spare parts for humans. Other counter that humans already 
    routinely kill pigs for another self-serving purpose- for food.
    Against a backdrop of lively public debate about such 
    scientific challenges, public health risks, and ethical issues,
    federal guidelines have been developed that permit limited 
    pig-to-human transplantation to proceed, although the use 
    of nonhuman primate tissue has been temporarily halted.
    Under these guidelines, the number of individuals and the 
    types of disorders for which xenotransplantation is being
    utilized as a treatment are continuing to grow. Early
    samples include treatment for specific degenerative brain
    disorders, diabetes, acute liver failure, damaged heart
    valves, and extensive burns.
    Besides xenotransplantation, the second frontier in 
    replacement parts is TISSUE ENGINEERING - growing
    new tissues in the laboratory that can be implanted to
    serve as permanent replacements for body parts that 
    cannot be repaired. The era of tissue engineering is being
    ushered in by advances in cell biology, plastic
    manufacturing, and computer graphics. 
    Most human cells can already be cultured; that is, when
    removed from the body, they will continue to thrive and
    reproduce in laboratory dishes when supplied with 
    appropriate nutrients and other supportive materials. Now
    researchers are working towards growing specific tissues
    and even whole organs in the laboratory for use as 
    replacement parts. Using computer-aided designs, highly
    pure, dissolvable plastics are shaped into three-
    dimensional molds or scaffoldings that mimic the structure
    of a particular tissue or organ. The plastic mold is then
    'seeded' with the desired cell types, which are coaxed, 
    through the application of appropriate nourishing and
    stimulatory chemicals, into multiplying and assembling into
    the desired tissue. After the biodegradable plastic 
    scaffolding dissolves, only the newly generated tissue 
    remains, ready to be implanted into a patient as a
    permanent, living replacement part. 
    To prevent rejection by the immune system, without the
    necessity of lifelong immunosuppressive drugs, the plastic
    mold could be seeded, if possible, with appropriate cells
    harvested from the recipient. Often, however, because
    of the very need for a replacement part, the patient does
    not have any of the appropriate cells to seed the synthetic
    scaffold. This is what makes the recent isolation of 
    embryonic STEM CELLS so exciting. Embryonic
    stem cells are the "mother cells" resulting from the early
    divisions of a fertilized egg. Embryonic stem cells are 
    totipotent (meaning "having total potential"), because
    they have the potential of becoming every cell type in the
    body. During development, these undifferentiated cells
    give rise to the many different highly differentiated, 
    specialized cells of the body. As the stem cells divide
    over the course of development, they branch off into the
    various specialty tracks under the guidance of particular
    genetically controlled chemical signals. Some stem cells
    are forced along a career path of specialising as muscle
    cells, while others are irreversibly cast in lifelong roles
    as various other specialized cells.
    Now, for the first time, researchers have succeeded in
    isolating embryonic stem cells and maintaining them 
    indefinitely in an undifferentiated state in culture. 
    Furthermore, early experiments suggest that these cells
    have the ability to differentiate into particular cells when
    exposed to the appropriate chemical signals. Further 
    stem cell research has far-reaching implications that
    could revolutionise the practice of medicine in the
    twenty-first century. As scientists gradually learn to
    prepare the right cocktail of chemical signals to direct
    the undifferentiated cells into the desired cell types, they
    will have to grow customized tissues and eventually 
    whole, made-to-order replacement organs, such as
    livers, hearts, and kidneys.
    Through genetic engineering, these stem cells could be
    converted into 'univeral' seed cells that would be 
    immunologically acceptable to any recipient. Thus, the
    vision of tissue engineers is to create universal 
    replacement parts that could be put into any patient
    who needs them without fear of transplant rejection or 
    use of troublesome immunosuppressive drugs.
    Following are some of the tissue engineers' early 
    accomplishments and future predictions:
    ENGINEERED SKIN PATCHES have already been
    used to treat victims of severe burns.
    already been successfully implanted in experimental
    animals. Examples include artificial heart valves, ears,
    and noses.
    Considerable progress has been made on building 
    ARTIFICIAL ARTERIES composed entirely of
    human cells have already been produced but not yet
    tested for function and durability in humans.
    promote nerve regeneration is currently undergoing
    testing in animals.
    Progress has been made on growing two 
    complicated organs, the LIVER and the PANCREAS.
    Another tissue-engineering challenge under 
    development is the growth of completely NATURAL 
    REPLACEMENT BREASTS for implantation
    following surgical removal of cancerous breasts.
    ENGINEERED JOINTS will be used as a living,
    more satisfactory alternative to the plastic and metal
    devices used as replacements today.
    Ultimately, complex body parts such as arms and
    hands will be produced in the laboratory for
    attachment as needed.
    Thus, tissue engineering holds the promise that 
    damaged body parts can be replaced with the best 
    alternative, a laboratory-grown version of "the real
    Despite this potential, stem cell research is fraught 
    with ethical controversy because of the source of 
    the cells. These embryonic stem cells were isolated
    from embryos from an abortion clinic and from
    unused embryos from an in-vitro fertility clinic. 
    Because federal policy #3# currently prohibits use
    of public funding to support research involving 
    human embryos, the scientists who isolated these
    embryonic stem cells relied on private money.
    Public policy makers, scientists, and bioethicists
    are now faced with balancing a host of ethical issues
    against the tremendous potential clinical application
    of stem cell research. Such research will proceed at
    a much faster pace if federal money is available to
    support it. In a controversial decision, federal policy
    makers recently issued guidelines permitting the use
    of government funds to support studies using established
    lines of human embryonic stem cells but not research 
    aimed at deriving new cell lines. This decision was based
    on the premise that investigators using already established
    embryonic stem cell lines would not entail destroying
    embryos for scientific purposes.
    As a possible alternative to using the controversial
    totipotent embryonic stem cells for tissue engineering, 
    other researchers are exploring the possibility of 
    exploiting tissue-specific stem cells harvested from various
    adult tissues. These specialised stem cells do not have
    the complete developmental potential of embryonic stem 
    cells, but partially differentiated stem cells from adults
    have been coaxed into producing a wider variety of cells
    than originally thought possible. For example, provided 
    the right supportive environment, neural (nerve-cell 
    producing) stem cells have given rise to blood cells. Thus,
    researchers may be able to tap into the more limited but
    still versatile developmental potential of specialised stem
    cells in the adult human body.

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