Joćo Magueijo

Date: Fri Feb 07 2003 - 14:41:01 MST

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    When physicist Joćo Magueijo suggested doing away with the central tenet of
    relativity - that the speed of light is constant and unsurpassable - he
    risked his career. Magueijo survived, but in his book, he pushes even harder.
    He also reveals his contempt for the underpinnings of modern science. He
    reckons, for example, that the process of peer review is largely useless.
    Michael Brooks caught up with him - just before the lawyers >>
    <<While we're on the subject of rudeness, why are you so scathing about
    academic journals?

    I don't think there's any future for journals. They're just a waste of time.
    I haven't read a journal in years. The future is the Web: the Web archive
    doesn't filter out the good stuff, and the bad stuff is there just as much as
    it is in the journals. I think in the future people will just publish in the
    Web archives. >>


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