secret Saddam

From: scerir (
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 05:56:58 MST

There is very good reason to believe that Saddam Hussein was in contact with
the American embassy in Cairo when he was in exile. This is not strange,
because alliances of convenience were taking place every day. And the United
States was afraid that Iraq, under Kassem, might be going communist. So was
the Ba'ath Party. So they had a common enemy, a common target--the
possibility of a communist take-over of Iraq. So there is a record of Saddam
visiting the American embassy frequently, and there is a record of the
Egyptian security people telling him not to do that. However, one must
remember that at that time, Saddam was a minor official of the Ba'ath Party.
He was not terribly important. And he was really following in the footsteps
of other people who are much more important.

[etc., at:]

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- Giovan Battista Vico

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- Giovan Battista Vico

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