R: QT and fractal recursion

From: scerir (scerir@libero.it)
Date: Sun Jan 26 2003 - 15:17:08 MST

> Might this imply self-similarity all the way down? :)
> Damien Broderick

M. V. Berry, in 'Quantum fractals in boxes', J. Phys. A 29, 6617 (1996),
has shown that a particle 'sharply' confined to a box has a 'wave
function' that is fractal, both in time and space, with no lower limit.
Due to the existence of constants like h and c, and due to ordinary
'un-sharpness', physical fractals have upper and lower limits.

Strange spacetime patterns (called 'quantum carpets') formed in the
probability distributions (over space and time) of quantum particles,
were also discovered, in the '90s.

In the MWI the 'tree-like' structure, caused by branching, which has
something to do with the above, shows a peculiar asymmetry.

             -----------> BS
          / ------------>
O ------> BS etc.
          \ ------------>
             -----------> BS

If a particle, starting at O, hits a BS (beam splitter) we get a
bifurcation, and (in MWI) we create a second particle, then if the original
and the second particles hit other BS, we create ... n particles.

Now imagine that posthumans can reverse time. (There are already reversible
The process is reversed to O, where we should have n particles, and not just
(We, humans, can use mirrors, instead ..)

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