Re: Talking vs. doing

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sat Jan 25 2003 - 19:44:06 MST

Some take the path of doing, and some take the path
of talking. It is perhaps best that each takes the
path more suitable for him.

Should I expect that those who take the path of doing
shall talk less? Or perhaps that those of us who
take the path of talking should talk more? I will,
I think, take the path of not expecting from others
at all, regardless of which path they take.

>From our American Indian heritage, we have learned
that there are many paths. Sometimes the path of
peace is chosen, but sometimes, the warpath is taken.
The talking on the Extropian list can sometimes lead
to understanding, but at other times that path can
lead to muddiness and false trails. Let us hope that
the path of talking here, and doing there, lead each
traveler where he wants to go. May light shine down
on all the paths, so that few lose their way.

Some may say I'm pathetic, but I say to them that
they can mind their own ways, seek their own paths
---and I'll seek mine, and mind mine.


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