Re: Food For Thought

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Jan 20 2003 - 01:04:36 MST wrote:
> In a message dated 1/15/2003 5:20:46 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: Sorry but it is a *fact* not a *claim* that
> Osama was directly funded and set up by US when he and other fanatics were
> gathered and trained to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. No one has any
> reason to deny that or pretend about it.
> Samantha,
> I don't know that Osama took money from the US or not. In any case at
> that time there was no need not to help him. However, wouldn't it be strange
> if this man from an extremely wealthy Saudi family (the construction
> business) and since apparently funded at least in part by the Saudis took
> money only from the US during the period of the Afghanistan/Russian war.
> What would be the point of his doing that?

I suggest you read some history instead of asking such
questions. It is easy enough to not be ignorant about this.

- samantha

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