Re: About "rights" again

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 11:22:01 MST

> (gts <>):
> You're quite welcome, Lee.
> I think however that the passage above illustrates your error rather
> than Thomas Jefferson's.
> Excuse me for standing up for one of our most famous presidents in
> history, but I think your assertion in opposition to Jefferson's is
> only more evidence of your intellectual hubris.

...and yet you give no reason why you think Jefferson was right.
Jefferson may have been a great man, but there's no reason to think
he was any more rigorous a philosopher than several folk here.
Calling it "hubris" to point out intellectual inconistencies of
past scholars only shows that you're more interested in hero
worship than truth. Any high school student can point out obvious
mistakes of Aristotle, Bacon, Marx. To do so isn't hubris, just
clear thinking. Anyone who hesitates to point out flaws in the
arguments of great men just because they are great men isn't
someone worth taking seriously.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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