Re: Another Hypothesis

Date: Wed Jan 01 2003 - 22:59:45 MST

In a message dated 02/01/03 05:43:15 GMT Standard Time, writes:

> Great rant! Maybe you now understand why I am complaining. Secret
> operations outside of any external constitutional oversight are always
> suspect.
> --
> Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>

Oh how right you are. The fiasco of the Area 51 lawsuit just highlights what
happens when the sticky brown stuff hits in the land of Black Ops. If we
allow our elected governments to continue to turn a blind eye to this type of
thing, we might just as well invite Sadam to run the show.
       If innocent civilians don't have any rights when they work at places
like Area 51 because of National Security. Then who are these places
protecting? It seems like the whole Black Ops world is just a headless Gun
Toting Chicken where everyone just keeps their head down for fear of 'Them.'
The thing they don't seem to realise is that they are 'Them' and just help to
keep the status quo.
       Anyway, Big subject and not enough Braincells working at this time in
the morning
Let the rant continue,

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