I posted the following note to Usenet recently, but I realized that
people here may have some fun with this as well.
Happy Holidays everyone.
Subject: SOHO/MDI Solar Sounds Available
From: Amara Graps <amara@quake.stanford.edu>
Date: 1996/12/21
Message-Id: <59fbsh$60n@pecos.msfc.nasa.gov>
Distribution: world
Sender: astres@pecos.msfc.nasa.gov
X-Posting-Tool: modtool v1.1
Organization: Stanford University
Keywords: Sun
Reply-To: Amara Graps <amara@quake.stanford.edu>
Newsgroups: sci.astro.research,sci.astro
Astro Folks,
Our SOHO Solar Oscillations group have created some sounds from
our Michelson Doppler Imager data. I've worked a bit more with
the sounds and have put them on a Web page for easy downloading
and listening.
You can see/hear the sounds at:
The sounds were generated from low angular degree (l=0,1,2) mode
doppler velocity data, cleaned up to remove spacecraft motion and
solar supergranulation, interpolated over the gaps and then speeded
up to be within human audible range.
I personally think that the sounds would be wonderful background
"music" for the movie 2001.
--***************************************************************** Amara Graps amara@quake.stanford.edu Solar Oscillation Investigations Stanford University http://quake.stanford.edu/~amara/ *****************************************************************
******************************************************************** Amara Graps email: agraps@netcom.com Computational Physics vita: finger agraps@best.com Multiplex Answers URL: http://www.amara.com/ ******************************************************************** "Steidzies le'na'm." (Make haste slowly.) --a Latvian proverb