<< But even the good ideas are
just yakking, in the sense that they are forgotten after a few weeks.
Everything on the list disappears into a void. >>
Everything good, that I think I can use in the future, goes into one of
several disks labeled:
1. Autobiography
2. Science Fiction Story Ideas
3. Philosophy and Intellectual Book Research
4. HACCP Validations Marketing
5. HACCP Archives
6. Public Speaking Notes
If I can contribute, I answer with my own E-mail, if not: It is deleted.
Even chatting (yakking) is a form of brain-storming (to me). 99.9% for
brain-storming is culled out and 0.1% survives. I use these ideas.
I call it "mining" information. Mining is hard work, but worth it.
(just ask a gold miner). ;-)
Davin C. Enigl, MS-MEAS, President-Microbiologist
HACCP Validations-sm Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points for the
Food, Cosmetic, Pharmaceutical, and Nutritional Supplement Industry
Voice: (916) 989-8264
Web site: http://members.aol.com/enigl/index.html
December 2, 1996
8:56 am