When I was a little kid, my parents used to tell me about satan and demons
and such and how I had to pray to keep them away. When I was younger my
parents were religious zealots although they've lightened up in their old
age. (ie. When I was born, they had never heard of colic and they were
afraid I'd die so they baptized me at home!! hahaha! And this is in Los
Angeles, CA people!!) I have slight Tourettes (noone even notices it) as
well as my younger brother who has it quite worse than I but a side effect
of this seems to be a highly active imagination so when I had Tourette
panic attacks when I was a kid it was due alot of times to their telling me
of demons and satan and when I finally fought back the religious crap I
realized a greater sense of reality as opposed to the more imaginary
metaphysical religious world I viewed previously and had far fewer panic
attacks. I also think it was due to puberty setting on that my Tourettes
faded but I also think atheism played an integral part. Could it be very
tramatic and damaging for some kids to be exposed to religion?