Re: going for the moon

E. Shaun Russell (
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 15:24:38 -0800 (PST)

On 18/11/96, Michael Lorrey wrote:

>Sounds very Heinleinian to me. Thats ok. I'll beat em there, and you're
>all welcome.....

That's the attitude! BTW, let's not do any discussing of Heinlein's
_The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress_ for a little while, as I
am in the process of reading it!

Ingredi Externus!

-E. Shaun Russell

~~~:~~~> E. ternity E. Shaun Russell
:~~> E. xpansion
:~~~> E. xtropy Extropian poet\musician

-"Outward is the only place to go that is not bound"-
From "Verging On A Brink"