Extropian Times on the Net

Alexander Chislenko (alexc@firefly.net)
Tue, 01 Oct 1996 13:39:32 -0400

Have you heard of CRAYON - CReAte Your Own Newspaper?

It's a cool Net service that allows you to configure your
own newspage.

As an experiment, I created "The Extropian Times" paper.
You can find it at:

Now it has a basic configuration and references some general
news sources that I consider of extropian interest, and
a few other things.

I would like it to grow into the Extropian community paper.
At this point, everyone who can type "exi" as a password
can edit it; *please do not distribute the password*
outside the extropian community!

Please feel free to add, delete or rearrange items and chapters.
If somebody tries to deliberately spoil things there,
I can change the password and start controlling access,
or will abandon the whole thing.

With improving technology and some collaboration, we can see
a number of excellent community news"papers" !

If you want to add your personal stuff, the best thing may be
to create your own paper, and reference The Extropian Times as
one of the news items (So I will probably get my Russian stuff
out of there). Though I do not see anything wrong with the
community paper getting some "personal touch". Just not too
much of it.

Please tell me what you think!

Alexander Chislenko <sasha1@netcom.com> www.lucifer.com/~sasha/home.html
Firefly Network, Inc.: <alexc@firefly.net> www.ffly.com 617-234-5452