Re: Rows of Trees (Was: The Education Function)

Joe E. Dees (
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 00:24:47 -0600

Date sent:      	Wed, 16 Dec 1998 00:35:34 EST
Subject:        	Re: Rows of Trees (Was: The Education Function)
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> In a message dated 12/15/98 11:24:23 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> > >
> > One world, one corporation, one slab of asphalt! Pave the planet!
> > Pull your head out of your CRT screen long enough to realize that if
> > we undermine our own environmental foundations, we shall also
> > eventually die. We are in a race to get off this mudball and get our
> > genetic eggs out of one basket, or die here, wallowing in our own
> > toxic detritus, with all comrade species extinguished. Conservation
> > is the other side of the extropian coin, allowing us a little more time
> > in which we may be able to win that race.
> > Joe
> >
> So speaks a young boy with very limited experience and no common sense.
> Perhaps when you get a little older you'll be embarassed by all that. Then
> again...perhaps you'll just run for office..
> I'll not bother to refute your allegations since (a) they are ridiculous and
> (b) in the last several posts you've proven incredibly resistant to logic.
> Lets just say that I travel in excess of one hundred thousand miles per
> year..(land miles...not air) .and have been in several countries on several
> continents. What you allude to is neither evident. nor obvious. The term
> "pave the planet" is ludicrious when traveling across many of the western
> states or provinces on a "skinny road" , frequently stopping to allow deer,
> elk and cattle the right of way...and the last auto encountered was hours
> ago.
> EvMick

I am 43, divorced, a naval vet and degreed, Karnak! Try the next letter. Joe