Re: look out! long-haired gun loon! | natural balances

michael k teehan (
Fri, 19 Dec 1997 19:41:27 -0500

> From: Wings of the Morning <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: look out! long-haired gun loon! | natural balances
> Date: Friday, December 19, 1997 1:44 PM
> wrote:
> > wrote:
> > >So tell me what does this mean? Probability? Was this bound to happen?
> >
> > How many times have you had these feelings and they've been wrong? I
> > in my case the answer is 'lots'. And how do you know that you ever had
> > those feelings and they aren't just false memories created after the
> > fact? Did you write anything down at the time?
> >
> > Personally I think our brains go wrong far, far more often than most of
> > us realise, and that explains an awful lot of 'psychic' experiences...
> > and why they can't be reproduced in a laboratory.
> >
> Obviously it's natural to have those types of feelings and be wrong.
> course it happens more than not. But when instance after instance occur,
> tend to wonder. And of course I can't prove to you they are false
> that happened after fact, I can only tell you honestly, that was my
> experience; that's what happened. I'm not going to forget the events
> happened in an instance like that. On the contrary I remember them quite
> clearly. No I didn't right anything down at the time, but when I first
> that "vision" of the yellow rider truck, I did mention it to my mother,
> at the time I didn't think it was overly significant, but she still can
> recall me mentioning it. And also right after I put down the phone with
> friend, and then came back, I told him what had happen. I told several
> people directly after the incedent. And they all can recall what I said.
> And as far as brains "going wrong" (whatever you exactly mean by that),
> perhaps that will explain some failures in attempt to reproduce in a
> laboratory, but what about those psychic experiences in which someone
> mention of something ahead of time and it happens to come true. Are all
> our brains "going wrong" coneviently at the same time?
> -Mike