Re: Free Lunches (was: OUTREACH 101)

Lee Daniel Crocker (
Tue, 16 Dec 1997 20:56:39 -0800 (PST)

> > In general I agree that this is true, but there are some extremely
> > notable exceptions. The one that pops to my mind is Linux,...
> But many people have VOLUNTEERED to pay it on behalf of everyone,...

The point of TANSTAAFL is much more specific: nothing is free
/even to the person for whom it is free/. Linux users who think
they get it for free are paying a very high price in learning
to use a more complex system, sacrificing the productivity of
lots of off-the-shelf software that's not available, increased
cost in exchanging data with others, and other costs. Not a
bargain at all. Paying $100 to get an OS that won't incur those
costs is a bargain.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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