On Thu, 11 Dec 1997 Brent Allsop <allsop@swttools.fc.hp.com> Wrote:
>it sounds like they are describing a quantem phenomenon which is
>merely communication faster than light not teleportaion
Communication is transportation if it's good enough.
>But then they say:
>>This does not mean that faster-than-light information transfer has
>What does this mean when they say this after describing a process
>which is comunication faster than light? Why?
If I want to send a message to a receiver 2 things must happen:
1) I must change something in the receiver.
2) The receiver must be able to compare that change with something else, such
as the voltage on a wire now compared to what it was a nanosecond ago.
Quantum Mechanics can do #1 but not #2 , so I have just changed one "random"
state in the receiver to another. The results are not really random but it
would sure look that way to the receiver. It's only when the receiver
compared his results with the records of what I did, and that can only be
done at the speed of light or less, would it become obvious that what I did
instantly changed what happened in the distant receiver.
John K Clark johnkc@well.com
Version: 2.6.i