A NON-VOICED EXTROPIAN... (was Re: When was the last time an

Prof. Gomes (gomes@dpx.cnen.gov.br)
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 20:38:51 -0300

At 11:06 30/11/97 -0800, you wrote:

>Actually we are about to make a change. To post to the Extropians list you
>will need to be a member of Extropy Institute, although non-members will be
>able to read only.
>I've been too busy with getting the newsletter to post about this change,
>but now it's out I will explain the hows and whys, probably today.
>Apart from restricting the list, we are about to open several
>special-purpose lists that will also be restricted.
>Look for details of both of these changes here.
>Max More, Ph.D.
>President, Extropy Institute: exi-info@extropy.org, http://www.extropy.org

Well, just for noise reduction it is not necessary to oblige one to become a
member of ExI... . A specific ( and fair..) committee could simply select
those who would have permission to have R/W acces to the list or simply
"read only"...

Unless the objective of such actions is also getting more funds to ExI... (
what is not reprobable, since we need that Institutions like ExI grow up...
and without money it is very hard for humans...).

A suggestion for the leaders would be to permit the access of some "invited
members", even if not ExI formal members..., for guaranteeing a higher level
to the list... ( I say that not for me, but for some exponents that will be
simply "discarded"... thrown away from the list... )

The list, up to know has been just a "free-trial-sample"... Now >>> get your
membership for just $ xxx !!!

Anyway, it was some interesting to participate of some of the discussions on
the list... But, since I am a Brazilian Sci, with a President (Mr. Fernando
Henrique Cardoso) who says publicly that admires Scientists - but in
reallity, prefers to pay much better to recent graduated lawyers than to
more expecienced doctorated engineers, physics, biologists etc... I just
will say:

Bye... I suppose I will be transformed, in a near future, in a
"nonvoiced-extropian" !!!!

