Re: Mega-mega engineering?

Peter C. McCluskey (
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:52:05 -0800 (Anders Sandberg) writes:
>I have so far not heard a good suggestion in this area, there are
>unfortunately too few experts on global relativity on this list. I
>think there is a theorem somewhere, mentioned in Tipler's Physics of
>Immortality, that says it is not possible to open a closed universe.

Page 641 of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. The tensor calculus
involved is beyond me, but the result appears to depend only on the
adequacy of general relativity.

Peter McCluskey          | caffeine   O   CH3            |            ||  | |      H3C   C   N
                         |         \ / \ / \
                         |          N   C   C
                                    |   ||  ||
                                    C   C---N
                                  // \ /
                                  O   N