} I don't think you are taking the point I'm tryiing to make, which is
that molluscs } are very nearly as different from us, evolutionarily, as
insects. This almost puts } them in the microorganism camp
I don't now what that means. Current phylogenetic trees have all
animals as one small branch of life. The real evolutionary diversity is
in the bacteria and archaea; animals are just rearrangements of masses
of the animal eukaryotic cell.
Molluscs are different, yeah. "In the microorganism camp", probably
-xx- GCU Unique Name #4 X-)
"I'm the smartest thing for a hundred light-years radius, and by a
factor of about a million... but even I can't predict where a snooker
ball's going to end up after more than six collisions." -- _State of the Art_