You can send the $100 along to the Estate of the late Dr Gerald Feinberg,
who did a lot of the early work on the hypothetical tachyon and many years
proposed a Prometheus Foundation (IIRC) devoted to exploring long-range
options for humanity; he wrote a nice book about it, probably out of print
*Daedalus*, BTW, is the title of a long-established journal of science and
the arts, as well as the pseudonym of a witty scientist who once had a
weekly column in *New Scientist* and later moved, I think, to *Nature*.
His ideas were not a million miles from the wild & wacky stuff that appears
on this list, although under his own name he famously lambasted Drexler's
nanotech. (Ref'd in Ed Regis's NANO! I think, but since the fiend hasn't
included an index...)
Damien Broderick