Re: To space without rockets ?

=- deluxe -= (
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 00:11:57 -0800 (PST)

Not everyone writes books quite like Mr. Broderick.

>>What's a linear motor?
>It's short for `lint-in-your-ear motile oratory'. Ancient Atlantean
>wizards used this method to fly into orbit after the earth had expanded too
>much and destroyed their homeland. The method is now known only to a few,
>but appears to have involved an occult practice of meditation in which the
>side of the head was lowered until the ear rested on the navel. Lint was
>then drawn into the cavities of the ear by specially trained earwigs, and
>the coded messages buried in the DNA strands of the lint were chanted until
>the adept rose into the heavens.
>Damien Broderick