> Another regulation I heard from the French at France Telecom: A company
> *must* give 60 days notice prior to firing any employee. Would you really
> want to keep a disgruntled and presumably useless employee around 60 days
> after telling him he's going to be canned? No wonder they have gun control
> laws...
I can beleive it. Its funny though, last year I was doing a website for
a transportation company here that is owned by the Paris Rail Authority.
One day they found out I was a libertarian and the next I was fired. Up
to that point thigs had been great, I got a commendation on my website,
-- TANSTAAFL!!! Michael Lorrey ------------------------------------------------------------ mailto:retroman@together.net Inventor of the Lorrey Drive MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering ------------------------------------------------------------ How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?