"Power Can Be Fun!" The Single Integrated Operatioal Plan: Part XXVIII

Tony Hollick (anduril@cix.compulink.co.uk)
Mon, 13 Oct 97 08:24 BST-1

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A Letter to Vince Foster
by "J. Orlin Grabbe"


Dear Vince, Circa 12 October, 1997?

So you wanna be a nuclear spy? You say your Swiss account is
running low, and you need some pointers where to find those little intel
tidbits to be sold for salvage? You know, depending on what's hot in
the market?

Well, okey dokey. I'll tell you what little I know. Maybe help
you out a little. On account of you're such a good friend and all.

Let's start with SIOP. That's Single Integrated Operational Plan.
It ties together all the military nuclear weapons and all the different
regional plans -- you know, the different nuke options of the military
commands in the Atlantic, the Pacific, and Europe. Britain even has a
part. Well, SIOP is ESI: Extremely Senstive Information.

Translation: BIG BUCKS if you can get a hold of a piece of it.
Now, Vince, let me explain the problem, so you'll know what's going
on, and where to go to get the good stuff. Okay? You think you have
headaches keeping track of money. Well, let me tell you, the
military's like the three, or six, or sixteen different faces of Eve,
and they'll all be at war with each other if they're not careful.

Hell, we might be engaged with China and they send the signal to the
wrong set of missiles, and nuke Teheran.

Or say there's a launch off the Pacific coast, but the early warning
system is down and no one knows what's coming.

Or they see it coming but they can't get hold of the President who is
out whitewater rafting.

Or the helicopter arrives at the White House from Quantico to whisk
the Prez to Andrews Air Force Base, where the flying command post
awaits, and the Secret Service shots the chopper down (which they
almost did in an exercise the other day).

Or the Prez gives the authorization to RE-TAL-I-ATE, but he can't
communicate with his forces to set anything in motion.

See, we got us an ORGANIZATIONAL problem here. Suppose'n we go to
war. You got the White House Situation Room, down underground, below the
Oval Office. You got the National Military Command Center (NMCC) in the
Pentagon, third floor. You got the alternative NMCC buried in Raven Rock,
Pennsylvania (8 miles from Camp David), in case the first one's f**ked up
(more than normal, I mean).

You got the SAC underground command post at Offutt Air Force base near
Omaha, Nebraska. You got the NORAD underground command post inside
Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. Talk about moles! These here outfits
have gotta TALK and gotta SEE! See what I mean?

Then you got your airborne commands. They gotta talk, see, and EVADE
no matter WHERE they are. There's "Nightwatch". That's the National
Emergency Airborne Command--a flying nest for the President, Joint Chiefs of
Staff, and Commander of the Strategic Air Command (with room for a few
hookers to relieve the tension) to give orders and preside over the end of
civilization as we know it. (They can fire the land-based missiles using the
Airborne Launch Control System.)

Then you got "Cover All", or whatever they call it now, the
flying Command post of the Strategic Air Command with the Post Attack Command
and Control System (PACCS) (and we hope SAC number two still takes
orders from number one, who is flying around with the Prez). Then you
got all your little sub units: "Blue Eagle" Pacific Command, "Scope Light"
Atlantic Command, "Silk Purse" European Command. The names and
details may change from time to time (hint: more bucks here).

Then you got all your side shows, like JEEP, the Joint Emergency
Action Plan. That's a plan for evacuating a select number of government
and military people, the chosen few, the ELECT, who get RAPTURED AWAY to a
place of safety in case of nuclear war, some to Raven Rock, others to the
"Special Facility" at Mt. Weather in Virginia.

That's so they'll be around to populate a post-nuke nation. It'll be
a millennial golden age of LAWYERS and GENERALS. You remember me
telling you about Hassan i-Sabah, the "old man of the mountains", the
leader of the assassins? How he used to indoctrinate his followers,
showing them a vision of Paradise, where he would get them blissed out
on hashish, and they would wake up in a garden with fruit trees, and
flowing brooks, and whoreys attending to their every need (I think
they spelled it "horis" back then)? And then they would be willing to
die to get back to Paradise? Well, here in the old U. S. of A. some
of the chosen few get to spend some time each year in the BOHEMIAN GROVE!

Just a little aside. A friend of mine used to have a job inspecting
the stored food down in one of those FEMA hideaway places--the "National
Warning Center" down in Olney, Maryland. You know, FEMA, Federal Emergency
Management Agency? She told me they had cans of powdered instant SPINACH
OMELET. And the johns were on SPRINGS, so a person sitting on the toilet at
the time of a direct nuclear hit wouldn't bust their buns! (I guess there was
an anticipation some of the people they would stick in these FEMA hidey holes
were full of shit.) But we are getting off topic...


So you got a little COMMUNICATION problem. A little
CO-ORDINATION problem. That's where C3I comes in. You say that
"SEE cubed EYE". That stands for COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATION, and
INTELLIGENCE. C3I is the thread that patches the SIOP together. It's the
glue that keep the nuclear pasties where they oughta be!

C4I adds Counter-measures to the list. Very important: lotssa stuff
to steal here. This is about computers, satellites, phones, and radios.
(The Mitre Corp's big in this area. You may know about them, since
they're also getting into electronic cash these days.) C3I basically
started with David Packard who saw that military communications
weren't worth beans. He also initiated those flying Presidential
command posts, using modified Boeing planes (E4Bs).

[ 'S' and 'R' add Surveillance and Reconnaissance for C4ISR - TH ]

Well, he departed in 1971. Five years later, after the ever idiotic
Pentagon had gone out and bought a $100 million worth of Honeywell computers
that weren't even intended to operate in on-line mode (on-line's important
for a communication system, don't you think?), an official in the Defense
Communication Agency reported that the system was crashing on average once
every 35 minutes. ("Sorry, Mr. President, we would like to send that 1
megaton baby on its way to Moscow, but the damned system's down. Anyone
call Federal Express yet?")

Wimex (that the Worldwide Military Command and Control System) didn't
go on line at NORAD until Sept 1979. And they did a mobilization simulation
("Proud Spirit") the next year, and Wimex fell on its ass, leaving military
commanders in the dark about the readiness of their units for 12 hours.

So you see, Vincey boy, that national security's all about computers
and communications and co-ordination. They had military transports
landing at military bases where the troops supposed to get on them
hadn't even got the word to march. We could have lost the war because
we had stupid computers and stupid programmers. Those Minutemans with
megaton bombs ain't too scarey on 64k of RAM.

Another example: in the older missiles on the Navy's Poseidon
submarine the missile targets would be recorded on 8-inch magnetic disks.
The order to fire would come from an EAM, an Emergency Action Message.

This would be in code and would be compared to the version of the same
thing sitting in the submarine's Red Box.

If they were the same, the message would be considered authentic and
the firing procedure would commence. (The subs present interesting
communication problems, by the way, and besides the communication
stations around the world, you've got the TACAMO planes flying around,
relaying communications to the subs. You could also use ELF,
extremely low frequency, broadcasts, but that would require antennas
hundreds of miles long.)

Well, now the Defense Communication Agency (DCA) keeps the President
or his successors (and in the National Command Authority control system
which executes the SIOP, it's the VP, the Secretary of Defense, and the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, in that order--not the VP, the Speaker of the
House, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, etc.--nope, Haig wasn't in
charge after all) in touch with his nuclear forces around the world. DCA has
hubs at the White House and at Camp David, which is tied right into Raven

But anyway, computer-wise, let me tell you about three money-making
organizations you want to pay special attention to. There's NRO, the
National Reconnaisance Organization; NSA, the National Security Agency; and
DMA, the Defense Mapping Agency. They tell us what's coming (NRO), let us
launch a response (NSA), and help us locate the goddamn target (DMA).


NRO is currently much of the nation's eyes and ears--a 24-hour a
day operation. They're the ones in charge of the spy satellites. The Air
Force does the actual operation, but NRO is in charge. NRO's run by a
committee, the National Reconnaissance Executive Committee, chaired by the
CIA director. That's so the satellite PRETTY PICTURES get shared by
everyone, not just the fly-boys. >:-}

Since 1992 NRO's been functionally organized (hint, hint, get specs)
but before that there was an Air Force part, based out in El Segundo,
California, that worked on Air Force reconnaisance satellites and made
deals with contracters, a CIA part (they developed the KH-11 and
RHYOLITE satellites), and a Navy part, responsible for the Navy's
ocean surveillance satellites.

The signals those satellites pick up are processed by the NSA, that
big sprawling place out at Fort George C. Meade, Maryland. They got regional
SIGINT center for the satellite data at Menwith Hill Station in
England ("Hi!"); Bad Aibling Station, Germany; Kunia, Oahu, Hawaii; Lackland Air Force Base
Training Annex, San Antonio, TX; Buckley Air National Guard Field, Aurora,
CO; and Fort Gordon, Georgia.

They also got a big South American listening post in Panama. Remember
those Panama Canal negotiations, which your pal Jackson Stephens had a
financial interest in? We were listening in on the Panama private chat.
Well, remember old pineapple face, Noriega? He was spying on our spying.
Paid those NSA boys a regular fee to bring him tapes and computer printouts.
(Your modern DIC-TA-TOR-SHIP ain't what it used to be. Castro's got a big
computer room in the Palace of the Revolution. I tell you, there's more to
controlling a country than just the occasional photography session cuttin'
down sugar cane with a machette in the hot sun.)

Anyway, NSA develops secure voice and data transmission links on
the Defense Satellite Communication System (DSCS) and the Satellite Data
System (SDS). They are also responsible for communications security with
respect to strategic weapons systems such as the Minuteman missile. That's
to prevent UN-AUTHOR-IZED access or interference or jamming. (There's a
special message category called a NUCFLASH, which is notification of the
unauthorized launch of nuclear weapons. Wonder why they have it?) Targets
can be changed by inputting a new set of numbers in the missile's memory.

Virtual bugs can be serious. A few years ago a hacker kid got into
Pentagon computers, and came pretty close to causing a nuclear EVENT, and
they bumped his old man's ass right out of there. And back in November 1979,
a computer technician accidentally fed a training tape that simulated a
missile raid against the U.S. into the live NORAD early warning system.

Now get this: the NSA develops the codes by which the President
must identify himself to authorize a nuclear strike. You know the
* Football *? That's the black briefcase carried by the military Presidential
shadow. It contains the Gold Codes (the Presidential instructions to
authorize the release of nuclear weapons), the SIOP attack options, and a
decision book. The Gold Codes are changed daily, one set going to the White
House for the Football, and simultaneously to nuclear command posts around
the world. The attack options are just subsets of potential targets. For
example, SIOP-5D, which came out in 1980, identified 40,000 potential
targets, and gave the President Limited Attack Options, Selected Attack
Options, Major Attack Options, and Regional Nuclear Options. There were
also two special categories: a pre-emptive strike against the Russkies, and
LOW (Launch on Warning) or LAU (Lauch Under Attack).

Wonder who is on the list now? If you're looking to find out, watch
out for the two-man rule: no one person is supposed to have access to nuclear
weapons and release codes and such, so you may need an accomplice, depending
on what you're fixin' to do. Hell, the President can't even open the
Football--only the Director of the Military Office, the warrant officers,
and the military aides have the combo.

The NSA put out the * National COMSEC Plan for Space Systems and
Nuclear Weapons Systems * back in 1982. This has been updated, I guarantee
you, and you can get good cash for the latest version.

Now, under W Group in the NSA's Directorate of Operations is the
Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center (DEFSMAC). That's a joint
DIA-NSA operation, which is the principal body of men and women who keep
minute-by-minute track of threats to the U. S. of A. from missiles, aircraft,
and other types of overt military activity. Anything you can get on them
might give your enterprising enemy nation good ideas how to muck up their
operation. (What do you care? You got one of them JEEP-1 cards, don'tcha?)
Their stuff goes everywhere: CIA, White House Situation Room, whatnot.

Remember when Russians weren't even allowed to visit Dallas, Texas,
on account of all the surrounding defense electronics? Well, one of the
reasons has to do with E-Systems, which does a lot of NSA's computer software
and hardware. (They developed that little * Herf gun *, you know, the one
that can take out a plane's guidance and control system? The pilot finds
himself pulling levers and pushing buttons, and nothing responds. Deadly
mother. Good for causing plane crashes.) You already probably know a lot
about them, because of their relationship to Systematics. The NSA's got
some new computers coming on. Try to get the operating system or anything
like that.

The Defense Mapping Agency gets things contoured out so as the
missiles can find the target. Once upon a time SIOP was just a set of
black lines, all converging at Moscow, on the big map of the Soviet
Union that Curtis LeMay used to have. To get there, each SAC plane
would carry the best maps of their target, most of them pre-WW2 jobs
not worth shit. Hell, back in 1941 RAF bombers had problems getting
their bombs to within a five mile radius of the target. Not very
PRE-CISE. (Bombs made one of them Poisson distributions around
target: read * Gravity's Rainbow * ).

[ FX: "That is, what we call Circular Error Probables..." ]

Well, we still got that same precision problem. You saw that video
they played over and over the in Gulf War? That bomb dropping down the
smokestack of a factory? Don't you believe the BS for a minute. Seventy-five
percent of those bombs went astray. As for enemy terrain, we didn't know
diddly-squat about the Soviet Union until the CIA got the word to do a high-
altitude plane, and they got Lockheed to turn out the U-2 in record time. It
could fly at 70,000 feet. But tough on the pilot: two hours of pure oxygen
so he wouldn't get the bends, and a diet of steak and eggs because there
weren't any toilet facilities. Later the Joint Chiefs acquired control of
the spy planes like SR-71 and RC-135, and signals were processed by the
NSA and photos by the CIA.

But satellites, not spy planes, map most of it now, and the contours
of the target terrain are stored in the missile's computer so it will know
when it has reached target. You know, like a gif file with all the naughty
bits, where the computer matches pixel against pixel until it knows it's
arrived on target and there's a great nuclear orgasm. (No way to avoid
digital because a few high altitude nukes will send out an EMP, an
electromagnetic pulse, that will wipe out the Global Positioning System.)

Now, never forget, Vincey boy, there's always a ready market for
plutonium. You know, the stuff they put in the bombs to make them go BOOM?
Well, now, all the nuclear facilities are guarded by a little outfit called
the Wackenhut Corporation. Ed Meese came in and said, How my friends gonna
make any money if the Marines do the job? Hell, we all know each Marine
comes with two PR agents, so we'll let one Wacky Hutterite do the job of
three. So it was, and now we're all getting rich, because those Wacky
Hutterites are as entrepreneurial as hell.

Or similar products. Remember how in the early 80s just when you
were getting into the laundry business, they decided it was important to
keep both Iran and Iraq equally armed, so no one would win the war? Well,
Iraq was about to get its ass kicked, so we made a crash program to help the
Iraqis. (In the Iran-Contra hearings even Ollie North said the coverup was
itself a coverup. Because it wasn't Iran we were mostly dealing with, it was

Now you know Ihsan Barbouti, the Iraqi architect who has that
engineering firm in Frankfurt and who came over here with a contract to
build Iraqi airfields? Well he invested in TK-7 of Oklahoma City, Pipeline
Recovery Systems of Dallas, and Product Ingredient Technology of Boca
Raton. Want to know why? TK-7 makes a fuel additive that can extend
the range of SCUD missiles and jet aircraft. Pipeline Recovery coats pipes
so they're usable in nuclear reactors and chemical-weapons plants. And
Product Ingredient Technology makes cherry flavoring. (Gotcha there,
didn't I?) Ferric ferrocyanide is a by-product of cherry flavoring, and can
be used to make hydrogen cyanide, a nice poison gas for the Kurds and whey.

Well, guess who got the contract to covertly deliver all this stuff
to Iraq? Wackenhut, naturally. (Those boys are famous out here in Nevada,
on account of guarding Area 51 and such like research facilities. It's a
weird scene out here. Between Reno and Las Vegas off highway 95 they got
the * Naval Undersea Warfare Center *. In the middle of the desert! It's
a nuclear bunker for nuclear-armed torpedos and such. If that mother ever
goes up, it'll leave the nearby town of Hawthorne flat as a Dow Corning
breast implant. They'll be breathing Hawthorne molecules from here to

If you find all this nuclear stuff too confusing, you might try
stealing a copy of the * President's Daily Brief * which covers the most
significant information from the previous day, including info from the
nation's most sensitive sources. I'm sure your better-financed enemy
nation will pay top dollar for a copy passed along daily.

Whatever you do, don't get any legal advice from the NSA.

Your friend,

Har Meggido >:-}


http://www.all-natural.com/foster-1.html NSA and other matters... The All Seeing Eye

http://www.ascension-research.org/michael.html Archangel Michael

"Dominus Illuminatio Mea" Holy Bible [OXFORD]

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"America's Mission is to Lead the World to Paradise"

-- Motto, First Earth Defense Force Foundation

" ... and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubims,
and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the
tree of life." -- Genesis, 4:24

"And he did raise the standard of liberty in whatsoever place
he did enter, and gained whatsoever force he could in all his
march towards the land of Gideon. -- Alma, 62:3

And it came to pass that thousands did flock unto his
standard, and did take up their swords in the defense of their
freedom, that they might not come into bondage." -- Alma, 62:4

[ FX: "US sneaks in a Carrier..." -- Samuel Edward Konkin III [1983] ]

[ FX: "Carrier Battle Group led by USS Nimitz is now entering the Gulf" ]

[ FX: "The War to Come, has..." -- SEK3 [ 1983 ] ]

[ FX: <shrug> "It is enough of a task to build an Agora, without
reconstituting Eden..." -- SEK3 [1982] >:-} ]

Oh yeah? >:-}

Check in at;


[ FX: "How can we help you today?" ]

------------------- * * * * * ---------------

| Anduril@CIX.compulink.co.uk * http://www.agora.demon.co.uk |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
| Rainbow Bridge Foundation * * * Centre for Liberal Studies |
- <*> --------------------------* * * *-------------------------- <*> -
| 4 Grayling House, Canford Rd: * Bristol BS9 3NU Tel: 9098918 |

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"Do you want to live forever?"

-- Valeria (played by the incomparably beautiful Sandahl Bergman),
sword in hand and wearing glittering winged helmet and shining silver
armour, in John Milius' movie "Conan the Barbarian."

In Memoriam: for JonBenet Ramsey and Diana Spencer

"The World will be saved by Beauty" -- Fyodor Dostoevsky

"We are all Divine Sparks of the Flame Imperishable."

and _Terrible Swift Swords_

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"Dim and yellow against the vibration of the purple-blue shudders the
faltering light that stands on the tiles of Hidden Lion. And here is
Questing the death-hound, here is Elijah for whom Firouz has opened the
door, here is Messiah following on Elijah, here is the giant Bohemond
foul and stinking with excrement that stains his scarlet cross as he
stands on Hidden Lion lifting his sword vertically with both hands and
plunging it up and down like a man breaking ground for a post-hole. All
around him are broken tiles and among them are heaped gold and silver
coins that were mortared into the tiles.

Now I see what I have seen before in the darkness and the brightness
in my mind, I see leaping and still like a butterfy transfixed by
lightning the elegance of Bembel Rudzuk as he attacks Bohemond; I see
the great Frankish sword that has been going up and down like a
post-hole digger suddely leap like a *live thing* as Bohemond shifts his
grip, and now a track of brightness horizontally cleaves the darkness,
cleaves the body of Bembel Rudzuk; now in two pieces falls the body of
Bembel Rudzuk; now in two pieces falls the body of Bembel Rudzuk to the
broken tiles of Hidden Lion.

Here now before me is Bohemond. This is the great moment when I shall
see the man who has become my world and my Jerusalem. His fouled and
stiuking mail shirt glitters in the purple-blue luminosity of Total Now,
his helmet flashes as if wreathed in lightnings; the iron nasal of
his helmet makes other than human this face I strain to see but I
cannot, I shall never see it, I see instead the face of that veiled
owl of my childhood.

I raise my arm now, I strike with my sword, I see it shatter like
shards of ice as the great sword of Bohemond makes a *rainbow* in the
night, in the dawn that is coming. I stare into the brilliance, I see
the Virgin and the Lion wheeling in the darkness and the light. I see
the sun-points dazzling on the sea, the alchemy of the triangualar sail
changing from the hot and dry to the cold and the wet; I smell the salt
breath of Bruder Pfortner.

But I cannot see Bohemond in this night and dawn of brilliance,
of purple-blue luminosity. No, as the great sword makes another
*rainbow* in the pale dawn where hangs the new moon of Tammuz, the
last thing that I see with my mortal eyes, very very high in the
sky and circling in the overlapping patterns of the Law, is
that drifting meditation of storks that I have known from my
childhood, each year returning to their wonted place."

-- Russell Hoban, 'Pilgermann'; PICADOR [1983].

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