>> Could someone provide a short synopsis about this book? What is it
>> about?
Dan replied with a compact summary. Thanks, Dan.
>You can find a bunch of his stuff (but not "the Spike") at
>amazon.com. He is also a professor.
Yeah, Amazon.com will only handle overseas books if there's a US
distributor, which my Oz publisher, Reed Books, don't have at the moment.
However they've just been bought out, and are said to have a gung-ho team
in London selling rights hard around the world. Maybe it will work for THE
SPIKE as well.
Alas, up to now my publisher has been meeting resistance in the States
among those she's trying to sell US rights to. Cornell University Press
showed an interest, which excited me for its prestige but alarmed me more
by its probable low print run and tone of lofty inaccessibility. In the
event they scurried off, realising that the book was too non-academic for
their line. Simon & Schuster also just knocked it back, on grounds that
one might find some general transhuman encouragement in - apparently they
have a similar book, or a book on a similar topic, due to come out soon.
The more the merrier - but I hope mine can be among them in the Big
Marketplace that is the USA.
>I really like the book.
I was hoping you'd say that... :) Thanks, Dan.
BTW, I don't have my own web page, but there's some biographical and
bibliographical stuff at the Ozlit site - toggle the URL in my sig, below.
The links there to interview/article stuff on/by me in the Mensa magazine
might be of interest. And sadly I'm not a professor - just a research
associate at Melbourne University. They pay for the email and xeroxing, I
give them useful publication points. Barter economy lives!
Dr Damien Broderick / Associate, Dept. English and Cultural Studies
University of Melbourne, Parkville 3052, AUSTRALIA
@: damien@ariel.its.unimelb.edu.au
Ozlit biography/bibliography listing: