An Aussie newspaper opinion piece favors therapeutic cloning

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 00:22:46 MST

Not a bad little piece:

>I am afflicted with motor neurone disease (MND), one of those
> incurable, terminal neuro-degenerative conditions (such as
> Alzheimer's and Parkinson's) for which stem cell therapy
> research holds the first real prospects of reversal and cure.
>I dare the critics of this research to look my wife, my three
> daughters and my mother fair and square in the eye and say:
> "This research, which could save the life of your husband, your
> dad and your son, is an evil thing."
> Dr Paul Brock is the director of strategic research and
> training at the NSW Department of Education and a
> Fellow of the Australian College of Education.

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