Re: Chomsky (was: Christopher Hitchens' Column)

From: John Clark (
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 09:23:43 MDT

Miriam English <>

>He has questioned why one massacre is splashed all over the news and why
>another perpetrated by "friends" of US is all but ignored,

"Splashed". That's exactly what I object to, the evil cooperate controlled (some screed
writers prefer "Jewish controlled") news media "splashed" us with news of the Khmer
Rouge's killing fields and the WTC horror. If you want to talk about other atrocities that you
think are not as well known as they should be that fine, it's admirable even, but Chomsky
does it by trying to imply that these well known things are all overblown, and he does it just
hours after the incident when the agony is fresh the fires are still burning and people are still
screaming . That's why I think the man is morally tone deaf and that's why I think it would make
even Mother Theresa want to punch the crap out of the pompous self righteous little twerp.

By the way, I just heard the USA has decided to spend 320 million dollars on food for
the Afghanistan people, I can guarantee you Chomsky will use all sorts of convoluted
"logic" to show it's part of an evil plot to somehow increase the profits of diabolical
corporations; of course if the USA had not done it he'd be complaining that they hadn't
spent 320 million dollars on food for the Afghanistan people.

         John K Clark

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