From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Dec 28 2000 - 11:45:23 MST

From: Barbara Lamar <>

>>Brian D. Williams wrote:

>>I think the point was that you can have a very optimized genome,
>>but without the proper attitude it's wasted.
>>I know people who are proto-GATTs, we used to call them yuppies.
>>Ever been inside an Arthur Anderson headquarters? It'd pass for
>>GATTACA in a minute.

>Ha! Speaking of attitude, I worked in the tax section of Arthur
>Andersen in Austin many years ago and was told that if I wanted to
>keep my job I'd better stop riding a bicycle to work. Not only
>must I get rid of the bike, I must have the right kind of car, eat
>at the right restaurants for lunch, and be properly dressed at any
>time I appeared in public. Actually, though, when I worked in the
>computer section at the Chicago headquarters things were more
>relaxed. The computer people were thought of as naturally
>eccentric and weird.

Thank's for corroborating my story. I was a phone man at the
Chicago based world headquarters for awhile. I liked them alot, but
it was a very intense corporate culture.

You can imagine why I like GATTACA.

There is a whole subculture of such people here in downtown
Chicago. They've taken it to interesting heights. It's very common
for example to only date people within certain area codes. I had a
good laugh a few years back when we split up their beloved 312.

I used to date a GATT and saw alot of unusual practices. Another
example, my former girlfriend and many of her friends didn't bother
taking birth control pills, they had undergone tubal ligation
surgery instead. They used to have conversations about whether or
not a guy was worth getting "untied" for...



Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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