At 10:23 AM 12/27/2000 -0800, Brian D. Williams wrote:
>I think the point was that you can have a very optimized genome,
>but without the proper attitude it's wasted.
>. I know people who
>are proto-GATTs, we used to call them yuppies. Ever been inside an
>Arthur Anderson headquarters? It'd pass for GATTACA in a minute.
Ha! Speaking of attitude, I worked in the tax section of Arthur Andersen in
Austin many years ago and was told that if I wanted to keep my job I'd
better stop riding a bicycle to work. Not only must I get rid of the bike,
I must have the right kind of car, eat at the right restaurants for lunch,
and be properly dressed at any time I appeared in public. Actually, though,
when I worked in the computer section at the Chicago headquarters things
were more relaxed. The computer people were thought of as naturally
eccentric and weird.
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