Re: Philosophy: It doesn't suck so bad we can't ignore it

Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 04:49:26 MST

Steve Nichols wrote:

> > Don't you feel kinda silly saying that?
> Not in the slightest ..... I find the idea of wanting
> to remain a mere human as fairly absurd though.

I also find it pretty absurd, but you seem to claim
you've reached your goal, already.

If I look back there's nothing distinguishing us
and our predecessors of 50 kYears ago but a few
more memetic updates on the firmware between our

Tool use has increased both in quality and quantity,
up to the point where we could speak of symbiontic
relationships, but the human core is unchanged. As long
as this remains true any reference to human++ must
remain a red herring.

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