Re: Sanity (was: Survey)

From: James Rogers (
Date: Sun Dec 24 2000 - 23:37:45 MST

On Sun, 24 Dec 2000, J.R. Molloy wrote:
> The need to define sanity indicates a desire to prove ourselves sane.
> But the whole history of humanity proves that humanity lacks sanity as
> much as it lacks anything.

I refer you to the unofficial qualifier for what the military calls a
Section 8 (discharge for reason of insanity), as it is instructive. One
of the primary indicators of insanity is that one never questions their own
sanity; questioning one's own sanity is considered a definition of a sane
individual and generally prevents the possibility of a Section 8 discharge.

If you apply this principle to the population at large, it should scare
you. How many people routinely engage in grossly irrational acts, yet
never for a moment question their own sanity for doing so? History as it
has happened is a reasonable outcome, all things considered.

-James Rogers

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