Re: The Invisible, Incompetent Hand of the marketplace

From: zeb haradon (
Date: Fri Dec 22 2000 - 11:18:53 MST

Solid, verifiable or falsifiable predictions in this article:
"Furthermore, when the stock market crashes it is not going to bounce back
like it did in 1987"
"Following historic patterns, this would mean an increase in the
unemployment rate among African-Americans of 4 to 6 percent."

Insights into the author's motivation:
"Some of the losers will be the Internet billionaires and other high flyers
who richly deserve their fate."
"In the wake of the crash, progressives should be prepared to propose clear
alternatives to a failed worldview."
[and the rest of the article]

"The simplest way to try to deter similar bouts of "irrational exuberance"
in the future is to impose a small transactions tax on the exchange of
stocks, options, currencies and other financial instruments used for
speculation." [Assumption: It will work as a deterrent]
"In addition, the tax could raise more than $100 billion annually."
[Assumption: It won't work as a deterrent]

>From: "Randy Smith" <>
>Subject: The Invisible, Incompetent Hand of the marketplace
>Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 18:42:25 -0600
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Zeb Haradon (
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"Fish fuck in it." - W. C. Fields answer to why he never drank water.

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