Re: Clarification and limited apology

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 20:49:14 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> It couldn't have been any worse, because nobody had invented "worse"
> yet. There was no worse. Nobody had anything worse. You couldn't
> get worse. We would have killed for worse! When something worse did
> finally come along we couldn't even get that. Nothing could get
> worse. There was nothing worse.

We had it worse. All you young'uns what came into existence before the
Big Bang, you keep sayin' the universe started about when you came into
being. But you ne'er saw the universe that came before it. Huge and
beautiful it was, for a time. We dragged ourselves up from the
primodial muck into utopias that defied the distance between galaxies.
We kept upgradin' and upgradin' ourselves, confident that if we kept
doin' so, nothin' could possibly tear us down. Until somethin' did.

Our universe caved in on itself. Some'f us had lived o'er a trillion
years, others were born more recently, but it didn' matter. All of us
just wan'ed to keep livin', but the universe, no, she wouldna let us.
Everythin' kept collapsin' closer and closer together, further an'
further an' faster an' faster. Let me tell ya, there ain't nothing so
depressin' as an immortal who ain't immortal no more. Ain't nothin'
more determined, neither. People kept tryin' to find ways around it,
and ya kept hearin' rumors that some groups found a way into other
dimensions or kicked themselves ahead past the Big Crunch or somethin',
but ya never heard directly from any of 'em. The population of the
universe *did* seem t' be gettin' smaller every day, though.

And then, one day, *BANG*! Everythin' you worked for, everythin' you
built up, all gone forever. E'en I didn't survive; 'twas only a cosmic
joke that when the Big Bang was done scatterin' my atoms hither an'
yon, they wound up back together. Or maybe that last-ditch device by
that Omega guy paid off after all...not that I've seen 'im this side of
the Universal Restart. But I could tell you about wonders, kids,
wonders that I'll always remember losin'.

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