Re: Clarification and limited apology

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 16:33:59 MST

Ha, you think you had it bad. I didn't have a 'we' to discuss the
possibility of nothing, or worse, or dimensions, or any of that other
new fangled stuff you young-uns seem so blase about. There was just me,
no 'we'. I tell you, it was maddening, maddening. Because there wasn't
anything but me, I had no concept of where I began and me ended, since
it was all me. Was I just a figment of me's imagination? Was I here
merely as an accident, or for my own edification? I did develop this
theory of Mepomorphic Principle, that if I wasn't here to ponder at me's
own existence, I wouldn't be here at all, but then I came up with the
Multi-Me Theory, that every thought I had was only one possible thought
out of a sheaf of an infinite number of possible thoughts, so in reality
one thought was as good as another, and so I started modeling many
possible me's. Of course, I needed someplace to model all possible

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> You had nothing? At least that's something! We didn't have
> anything. We didn't even have the concept of "having". Concepts
> hadn't been invented yet. We didn't even know we didn't have
> anything, because we couldn't conceive a concept that hadn't been
> invented yet.
> We weren't just pre-Thought. We were pre-Big-Bang! Pre-Time. We
> were even pre-Us. We weren't even there yet! Nobody was anywhere
> yet. There wasn't even a "yet" yet. And when the Big Bang was about
> to start, *everything* was uphill, infinitely in all directions. We
> had up-hill in dimensions that don't even exist anymore today.
> It couldn't have been any worse, because nobody had invented "worse"
> yet. There was no worse. Nobody had anything worse. You couldn't
> get worse. We would have killed for worse! When something worse did
> finally come along we couldn't even get that. Nothing could get
> worse. There was nothing worse.
> --
> Harvey Newstrom <>

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