Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> "Michael S. Lorrey" <mlorrey@datamann.com> wrote,
> >The greens are trying to intentionally strangle the economy of the state.
> Do you really think this is intentional? Or do you think the greens
> are misguided into really believing in what they are doing?
Individuals who are only thinking in a compartemental manner about a
single issue probably truly beleive in what they are doing, because they
have not really sat down to consider what they are doing. Given what
I've learned about the high ranking Greens on the activist side of
things around the country, I do not doubt in the least that the people
on top know exactly what they are doing. Note that most of the green
commando training in Green boot camps goes on in California. They may be
taking advantage of the politics of divisiveness and self interest that
has been fostered by decades of Democrat 'divide and conquer' tactics to
manipulate lots of well meaning people.
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