RE: Clarification and limited apology

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 14:27:37 MST

Ummmm... I was there when Thog chiseled out this thing he called a wheel.
Yeah. That's the ticket.

Harvey Newstrom wrote,


>I had a top-secret clearance and was building Arpanet before you knew
>what a network was. I invented network technology and helped debug
>protocols before the Internet converted to TCP/IP. I debuged network
>links before we had a connection to Europe. I was an admin years
>before ISPs like yours (The Well) were allowed on the Internet. I
>was probably one of those admins who asked you users to stay out of
>my way.

>Your talk of the "early days" is about two decades too late to impress me.
>Harvey Newstrom <>

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