Re: political partisanship

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 13:29:05 MST

Randy Smith wrote:
> >Bleah. I'm just thrilled to death that I won't be in the crosshairs
> >of a Gore-targeted tax increase. I'm by no means rich, but I know
> >that I wasn't up for a Gore-targeted tax break.
> Yeah, but is Bush any better? Unless you're out to breed more kids for the
> good ole USA, you get screwed under Bush, too.

Nah, he IS from texas, so iff'n y'all er gunna invest in some all
explorashun (thats oil to you east coasters), y'all'll git a good tax
break theyuh.

Now I wouldn't mind settling down and raising some kids, and you don't
need to breed yourself to have kids anyways. Fostering, adopting, etc
works just fine. Even better, if you want dependents to write off on
your taxes without the responsibility of drooling kids, let your retired
parents live with you (though some of them drool too). Get mom and pop,
or grandma and grandpa on a nice CR/nootropic diet, getting exercise and
they'll keep providing that tax break you need until they are ready to
be committed to the nursing home or stuck in a cryonic dewar...

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