When Things Start to Think
Neil Gershenfeld
ISBN 0-8050-5880-X
" An important story about why and how computers will disappear,
when and where your things will think" --Nicholas Negroponte
If like me you used to read WIRED magazine by flipping to the back
to start with Nicholas Negroponte, I think you will be delighted
with this book. (I still read WIRED but miss Nicholas's column)
Bits and Books
Digital Expression
Wear Ware Where
The Personal Fabricator
Smart Money
Rights and Responsibilities
Bad Words
Bit Beliefs
Seeing Through Windows
The Nature of Computation
The Business of Discovery
Information and Education
Things That Think
Excerpt: www.henryholt.com/98-2hh/whenthingsthinkexc.htm
Extropy Institute, www.extropy.org
Adler Planetarium www.adlerplanetarium.org
Life Extension Foundation, www.lef.org
National Rifle Association, www.nra.org, 1.800.672.3888
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W
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