Ah, well, to extend the beer analogy, I'm sure there will be socialists
who will say that society only rents you the atoms that make up your
food, totally ignoring the fact that food atoms wind up as YOU, which
would therefore mean they are, again, supporting slavery of the
individual to society, as Proudhon said 155 years ago.
Emlyn wrote:
> Hal wrote:
> > But to go from there and say that you own the products of your labor is
> > entirely unjustified, unless these products emerge directly from your body
> > (and I doubt that anyone will fight you over those products).
> >
> Given a future including general assemblers, it looks as though there is the
> possibility of an extreme form of libertarianism, who's devotees will
> assemble objects only from their own bodily waste, just for the moral weight
> that this carries re: ownership.
> When you go that far, you need to ask about who owns the input atoms,
> presumably from food. Maybe those atoms are someone else's? Maybe the
> ownership of the physical body is less clear cut than it seems?
> Emlyn
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