Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Nicq MacDonald (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 16:53:38 MST

> Yes, I know. I thought about putting in a comment about that, maybe even
> claiming that it made it "harder to tell", but that would have been a dead
> giveaway that I knew you were born on January 19th, 1982. It's much more
> eerie if I appear to "guess" you're a Capricorn. Right?
> Damn, blew it again. Oh, well... more books you like include "Hermetic
> Magic", "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying", Dostoevsky's "Crime and
> Punishment", and "Foundations of High Magick".

I was starting to figure that you had just looked up Quantanephilim on, and read my book reviews... I went on a review-writing binge
last summer- most of the reviews were rather poor and ill-thought out,
however (but still better than most that are posted!). And I was sure that
I had panned "Foundations of High Magick"... I'll have to look that one up

> I currently don't have anyone feeding me information. Everything you've
> seen so far, I did on my own. I considered trying to contact a roommate
> at St. Thomas to find out the name of your cat, but that would be too much
> trouble. I do need to draw the line somewhere.

He'd probably have known. I assumed that you knew I was at St. Thomas due
to the account that I'm subscribed under, but I didn't know how much info I
had on myself availiable online. Perhaps your way (write your whole life
story, all your interests, etc.) is better than letting people pick things
up piecemeal... (by the way, I enjoyed your story... very inspirational. It
reminded me of my own experiences, going through the public schools that had
little to nothing to offer me, trying to stay out of the social games,
studying science, programming computers, and cranking out copious amounts of
bad literature while the other students played sports and struggled through
mathematics... and then, in my teen years, facing the fact that despite what
the test scores say, I don't know how to do much of anything. I more than
understand, to say the least.)

> *You* have to stop feeding *me* additional information, though, or this
> all gets much less impressive - what do you think this is, a palm
> reading? Saying that you chat on #thee_vortex really takes the impact out
> of my calling you "an eighteen-year-old chaos mage", which, by the way, I
> knew beforehand, but too late now. Likewise with the "on the cusp" line,
> which blew the January 19th bit, forcing me to use the actual
> date-of-birth for verification. I was saving it for later. Sigh...

Palm reading, how quaint! Anyway, I had pretty much figured it out by now.

-Nicq MacDonald

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