Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Nicq MacDonald (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 23:10:24 MST

> > > Nicq MacDonald / Sehkenenra is Quantanephilim.
> >
> > Youch! Have you been following me around the net?
> >
> > -Nicq MacDonald/Neqroteqh/Sehkenenra/Quantanephilim
> I know everything about you. I know your true name... Anton. I know that
> you're an only child. I know where you live in Sioux Falls, South
> Dakota. I know about the time you stole a book from your grade school
> library. I know that your mother secretly wanted a girl and that she felt
> guilty about it, which is why she always bought you those macho toys for
> Christmas presents, and I also know that she did love you and that she had
> no cause to feel guilty.


My middle name is Anton. Four years ago, I wrote some articles for a few
minor zines under the name N. Anton MacDonald.

I am from Sioux Falls. Where in the hell did you pull that out of?

However, you didn't get the whole story. My mother may have wanted a girl-
my parents were either going to name me Nicholas or Nicolette- but I'm not
an only child, and I never stole a book from my grade school library. Well,
I kept a few of them longer than I was supposed to... especially the ones
with completed BASIC scripts in them, and the one on creating terrariums...
but that's it! ;)

> You read all that Aleister Crowley, and then look for simple little
> physical explanations when something marvelous comes along. Unweave a
> rainbow...

Well, considering the quote that I frequently use as a sig, that one is
obvious enough. Trying to be a skeptic and an occultist at the same time is
a real challenge- especially for a borderline manic depressive who takes
everything he sees as

By the way, thanks a lot for that link to Nikolai Kingsley's website- his
writing reminds me of the stories I cook up when I'm in a good mood... he
thinks like I do, in many ways. If only I didn't take myself so damn

-Nicq (or should I say Anton) MacDonald

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