Here's additional documentation that there was in fact an MOL launch on
Nov 3, 1966
Another TITAN IIIC was launched from Complex 40 on 3 November 1966, and
it boosted a modified GEMINI spacecraft and three secondary satellites
into orbit during a largely successful experimental mission on that
<photo> COMPLEX 41
26 August 1966
Since the Air Force intended to use Complex 40 for its Manned
Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) flights, Complex 41 eventually supported all
the TITAN IIIC missions launched from the Cape between the beginning of
1967 and the end of the decade. On the first of those missions, a TITAN
IIIC boosted eight IDCSP satellites into orbit on 18 January 1967.
<photo> TITAN IIIC GEMINI/MOL LAUNCH <<--- This is the text
3 November 1966 from their website.
(found here: is a
launch photo of the Gemini B / MOL launch previously discussed.)
This photo clearly shows the Gemini capsule on top of an extended upper
stage section that is likely a full size MOL prototype, and the heavy
solid boosters would not be needed to launch simply a gemini capsule and
an empty simulation of an MOL. Only a fully fuelled and equipped space
station would need the 45,000 lb launch capacity of this Titan IIIC
and from:
Orbiting Laboratory
Manned Orbiting Laboratory
The Akwa-Downey Construction Company began building Complex 40's MOL
Environmental Shelter shortly after the second TITAN IIIC mission in
October 1965. The Shelter was ready for beneficial occupancy by the
middle of June 1966, and American Machine and Foundry completed
installation of the Shelter's work platforms two weeks later. As we
noted earlier, a modified GEMINI capsule was launched from Complex 40 as
part of an experimental mission on 3 November 1966. That capsule had
been launched and recovered during the GEMINI 2 mission, but it was
modified by the McDonnell Aircraft Company to perform a heat shield test
for the MOL program. The modified capsule was installed in the MOL
Environmental Shelter on 3 October 1966, and it was launched with the
rest of the TITAN IIIC's payload one month later.
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