Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 10:50:05 MST

Nicq MacDonald wrote:
> > In the 50s "cool" people read Meade and Marcuse and Marx and could feel
> good
> > about maintaining their ideological progressiveness in the face of the
> > conformity of "the man in the gray flannel suit"; today people in the know
> > read Dawkins and More and Kurzweil and look forward to a REAL revolution,
> > while the mainstream of academia slowly dissolves in a self-congratulatory
> > puddle of subjectivist nonsense.
> Subjectivism isn't nonsense- the entire discipline of hermeneutics depends
> on this concept. Although I agree that post-modernism is a dead paradigm
> that hasn't had it's funeral yet, I can't agree with a paradigm which denies
> the relevance of my existence. Not that the ideological progressives of the
> 1950's were any better (Karl Marx? Communist Materialism?!?)... I'll agree
> that Romanticism is lousy as a base from which to work, or a social
> paradigm, but it's a wonderful way to live one's life. In my opinion, the
> best philosophy isn't that which achieves the most universal happiness, but
> the one that tells the best story in the end. Wars, revolutions, love,
> hate, death- this is what makes life interesting!

Subjectivism is quite so nonsense, however, to paraphrase Goering,
repeating nonsense often enough is quite useful, as a tool of propaganda
and memetic warfare. It may be a 'wonderful way to live one's life', but
then again, they do say ignorance is bliss.

> > > Well then, zeig heil!
> >
> > I wonder what this could mean.
> Extrobots seldom seem to grasp the concept of "meaning".

As in "humans are meaning making machines", therefore, because all
humans are equal, all meanings are equal... blah blah blah...

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