At 05:42 PM 10/12/00 -0800, Nicq MacDonald wrote:
>best philosophy isn't that which achieves the most universal happiness, but
>the one that tells the best story in the end. Wars, revolutions, love,
>hate, death- this is what makes life interesting!
>> > Well then, zeig heil!
[Greg Burch understandably had asked:]
>> I wonder what this could mean.
>Extrobots seldom seem to grasp the concept of "meaning".
And here I was supposing charitably that Nicq in his ignorance couldn't
tell the difference between a `trouper' (someone communicating with gusto
from the stage) and a storm trooper (someone feeding the gas ovens with
live human victims), and that he was therefore stupidly using the Nazi slur
*against* me.
Whereas it now looks as if he's in *favour* of troopers, war, hate and
death (as well as some more benign stuff) for the Nietzschean pizzazz it
provides in an otherwise dull life subject to harmonious Apollonian reason
rather than unchecked Dionysian frenzy. Count me out of your Zieg Heil
[spelling corrected].
Damien Broderick
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