mez wrote:
> Interesting. Did the other 10 give any indication of why they would not
> upload? Given that the original remained intact, I am somewhat surprised
> that so many would turn the offer down.
> mez
> From: Robin Hanson
> This last week I told my microeconomics students about
> some of the economics of uploading this week. I asked
> how many of them would be willing to make an upload
> copy of themselves (assuming their original remained intact).
> Five out of fifteen of them said they would.
*I* might turn such an offer down, post-Singularity, so I don't find their
refusal at all surprising. Why gratuitously create a copy of yourself? A
scan of my mind doesn't turn up any feelings about the matter either way,
which is actually rather surprising, but it's still an action that can't
be undone. Pre-Singularity is another matter, of course; I'll take as
many copies as I can get.
-- -- -- -- --
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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