At 2:30pm -0500 12/8/00, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
>Rather, 'pseudo-free'. The student pays tuition (or in more socialize
>states, pays taxes on higher income later on to pay back subsidies), and
>the service is a benefit of the education package paid for. Military
>personnel were employees, and their employer paid for them. TANSTAAFL,
>Harvey. I don't pay for the desk I am sitting at, the PC I am using, or
>the internet service I am currently using. Its paid for by my employer
>(or rather, in my case, my customer).
You are absolutely right. These costs are merely hidden, but not
really free. As such, they are inefficiently managed because they
are harder to perceive. A direct-pay system is probably more
accurate, and perhaps more honest.
-- Harvey Newstrom <>
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