Re: Civilization and Enemies, was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFULLIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 21:23:03 MST

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:

> Sorry Harvey, I just don't accept claims of widespread rural bigotry at
> the level you claim, except possibly in the rural South or other areas
> of strong Klan influence (if they communities you speak of were such,
> then I suppose that helps explain it). Working in Vermont as I do, with
> the current Civil Union controversy raging, it has turned out that all
> of the overt 'hate' crimes committed here since the 'Take Back Vermont'
> grassroots campaign began were actually committed by gays trying to gain
> sympathy. A gay priest, for example, torched his own car in a ploy to
> enrage the community against conservative opposition, and it was a few
> Darthmouth students who painted swastikas on a few street signs in
> Norwich as a ploy to promote a 'diversity celebration' they had planned.
> I know its rather stereotypical of me to say this, but these individuals
> are only reinforcing prejudices about 'drama queens', and are doing
> their cause no good.

Their cause? I was under the impression that objective law applied
equally to all was in everyone's interest. If we act like it is "our
cause" then we are guilty according to your lights of fragmenting the
community and being self-involved. If we point out that it is simple
equal rights everyone says we are claiming "special rights". Yet out of
your own mouth you see the call for equality under the law being
something for us perhaps against others.

- samantha

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