Re: Fwd: Dr. Ian Irvine's review of Damien Broderick

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 09:22:17 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:
> And so far, by a strange stroke of luck, I haven't actually ended up in
> jail, not even the privatized kind... Ironically, the forbidding bluestone
> monstrosity of a jail down my own street, Pentridge Prison, is currently
> being retrofitted into a walled enclave (they haven't even had to pull down
> the razor wire) of bright and very expensive housing for the moderately
> wealthy... :)

Ah, one more incident of Jerry Pournelle's writing coming to be fact
(See "Oath of Fealty" with Niven and his "Mercenary" series as well (the
one about Arrarat in particular)...)

When you live in a criminal society, only the innocent are imprisoned.

> > * The debate has been no holds barred and fun.
> And somewhat informative, so I, for one, thank Mike for resending this. I
> do wish Dr Irvine had spent a little more time condensing and sharpening
> his responses and fixing his spelling.

My next plan of attack is a stinging diatribe and dismemberment of John
Ralston Saul's noted lecture "Democracy and Globalization". Saul is
another Aussie luddite of note, apparently, though this particular
lecture of his I found extremely entertaining to dissect due to its many
many errors of various sorts.

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