Re: Not a G*N thread, honest, was Re: Civilization andEnemies,was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFUL LIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 16:58:50 MST

Joe Dees wrote:
> >Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 10:28:08 -0500
> >From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
> >>
> >
> >Isn't it interesting that the ethnic groups who have historically been
> >banned from buying, owning, and using guns to defend themselves against
> >tyrannical opression by governments are these days proponents of gun
> >control?
> >
> >Okay, so its a gun thread now. We can pass it over to exi-freedom if
> >anyone wants to continue it.
> >
> I had hopes, but I never thought I'd see the day, considering all the gunslingers in here who seem constitutionally hard-wired to have to fire the last shot. Thanxabunch!

You are welcome, but, sorry, Joe, you don't get to comment. You've
steadfastly refused to sign up for the exi-freedom list, so it seems
that you are in no way interested in discussing the issues, only in
being right (as well as getting the last word). I'll bet you can't even
stop yourself from responding to this post. ;-)

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