From: Corwyn J. Alambar:
>>>- What is the difference between extropianism and transhumanism?
Then I wrote:
>> Transhumanism - political correctness = Extropianism
>> Feel free to elaborate on the formula.
>For the sake of trying to make this sound a little less snippy,
>let's try a slightly longer form:
Actually if you'd been here for one of the schisms, you'd see it
was the departing transhumans who got snippy. I was poking fun at
this, it was not meant to be a serious contribution.
>Extropianism is a subset of transhumanism that places an emphasis
>on the growth and empowerment of the individual. As such it is
>more of a technologist's viewpoint than a scientist's. but has
>more direct, practical effects on the lives of the individual.
>This emphasis on expanding personal possibilities and power has
>much in common with most forms of libertarianism, but is not
>specifically bound to any particular sociopolitical system.
I like your definition very much, almost "blue collar" in fact.
>Okay, it's a bit verbose, but I think it's a lot less
>argumentative than the prior idea.
I was having fun being argumentative, some times it's the best way
to get people to think.
Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
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